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  • VinPilot Fog Humidity Control|
  • VinPilot DryFog Layout|
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VinPilot DryFog Humidity Control

ABEVE have been distributing the VinPilot® Tank Temperature Controllers for the last two years, providing automation and savings in refrigeration and electricity.

VinPilot are now launching their new DryFog humdification system to extend the savings in the barrel storage room.

The DryFog system creates and controls high humidity conditions without wetting resulting in wine evaporation being reduced, saving on major “topping” and “angel share” costs.

Wine ageing in barrels for 3 years can lose up to 14% of its volume when stored at 60% RH. The VinPilot DryFog system increases the RH and is able to maintain it at higher levels up to 85%, which results in reduced losses by 80%.

The VinPilot cutting edge solution  includes a patented atomizer,  a uniform dry fog technology that combines low-pressure compressed air with water at atmospheric pressure to create vaporizing micro-droplets ranging in 2-10 microns in diameter.

The uniform dry fog immediately evaporates into the air, increasing humidity but without wetness.

Also included is a stainless steel control panel equipped with all necessary hydraulic and pneumatic components to manage the correct air pressure and ensures that the lines are emptied after the fog sequence.

The VinPilot Dry Fog system is modular and easy to install to maintain low operational costs.

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