Niko Fruit Processing Line| Enlarge

Niko Fruit Processing Line

The Niko processing line is used for the processing of pome fruit (which encompasses apples, pears, quince and kiwi fruit) to achieve juices which can be the final product or be used to produce cider. The elaborated line consists of designated units that can achieve a semi-finished or final juice product depending on the requirements of the site.

The Niko processing line comprises:

  • Bin Tipper to unload the fruit bins
  • Washer to clean the fruit
  • Sorting Conveyor to transport the fruit from the washer into the mil
  • Mill to slice/crush the fruit into a mash
  • Pump to transport the mash into the belt or pneumatic press
  • Belt or Pneumatic Press
  • Filter to remove solids from the pressed juice
  • Bottle Filler