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  • |Plastic Screen for soft destemming
  • |RollTec berry sorter
  • |Inverter for variable speed
  • |Variable Leg Height to allow bins or pumps underneath

CMA DREAM Destemmer

The CMA 'DREAM' is new generation combination of gentle destemmer and Rolltec Mini berry sorter to achieve clean whole berries.

The Dream has a production range of 1 to 15 Tons per Hour.

 Destemmer features: 

  • A Swinging Plastic Cage for soft separation of berry from stalk.
  • Frame and body are manufactured in Stainless Steel
  • Inverter providing electronic speed variation of the swinging cage
  • The Legs have height adjustment to allow bins or pumps underneath
  • The destemmer is easily pulled apart for cleaning purposes.

RollTec Mini features: 

  • Two Sets of rollers with the first to allow removal of small over/under ripe berries and also small stalk matter. The second set allows the whole berries to fall through while the stalks are transported forward to the disposal chute
  • The two sets of rollers are independant allowing individual adjustment via the two installed handwheels.
  • The feed section of the RollTec has a vibrating hopper to provide the required constant feed; while there is a separate Inverter to vary the roller speed.

Control Panel:

  • The control panel has installed the 2 Inverters for varying the speed of the Dream destemmer and RollTec Mini independantly.


  • Auger for constant disposal of rejected materials: stalks and green berries
  • A hopper underneath the RollTec Mini to funnel the grapes to other tables or conveyors

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