|RotoVib over vibrating table Enlarge
  • |RotoVib Destemmer with modified frame to go over bins
  • |RotoVib drawing
  • |RotoVib with RollerSorter set
  • |Armbruster roller sorters
  • |Armbruster grape receival, destemming and selection line

Armbruster RotoVib Destemmer

The ROTOVIB is the latest development in quality wine grape processing equipment. Its goal is to provide the gentlest handling of fruit, yielding the maximum number of whole berries and a minimum of stems. It's patented vibration technology is used to "pluck" the grapes from the stems without the need to thrash the clusters within the destemming cylinder. Pin shaft speeds can therefore be reduced by 60% or more. Under-ripe or raisined fruit remain on the stems, increasing product quality.

The RotoVib has been succesfull installed in Australia, North America, Europe, South Africa and New Zealand in the last 10 years. Most of the RotoVib destemmers are now coupled with the Armbruster Roller-Sorter or Optical Sorter to achieve close to 100% clean berries.

Standard features include a variable frequency pinshaft drive and reversing destemming cylinder.

Available Models:

  • ROTOVIB 10 - for production of/up to 10 tons/hour
  • ROTOVIB 20 - for production of/up to 20 tons/hour
  • ROTOVIB 30 - for production of/up to 30 tons/hour
  • ROTOVIB 40 - for prouction of/up to 40 tons/hour

Optional Extras:

  • Crushing Roller set
  • Armbruster Roller Sorter for the removal of jacks, stems and leaves after destemming
  • Armbruster Optical Sorter for the removal of all foreign matter after destemming
  • Extension frame to allow for picking bins to be placed underneath
  • Caster Wheels

Here is the RotoVib operating in Central Otago, New Zealand:

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